
[ISSUE TALK] North Korea holds back on ICBM's during military parade

2018-09-10 5 Dailymotion

북한의 열병식 수위 조절, 북미협상 탄력 붙나 - 김현욱 교수 대담

To look at the significance of the parade in more detail, we have with us Professor Kim Hyun-wook from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Thank you for coming in today.

Pleasure to be here.

1 - No ICBMs in the North Korean military parade on Sunday. It perhaps wasn't a complete surprise, but what do you make it professor?

2 - There was also no speech from Kim Jong-un. Was that a surprise to you?

2a - The parade was also broadcast a day late, which is unusual for the regime. Why would Pyeongyang do that?

3 - It seems that President Trump was briefed on the details of the parade, and he responded as usual on Twitter. Referencing the fact that North Korea had not showcased its ICBMs he said, quote, "This is a big and very positive statement from North Korea. Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will both prove everyone wrong " Pyeongyang's decision to show off its hardware definitely seems to have de-escalated any tensions that had started to rise after negotiations recently stalled, but how significant do you think Pyeongyang's decision is at this point?

4 - The U.S. State Department has confirmed that a letter from Kim Jong-un to President Trump is on the way, via U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. What do you think is in that letter?

5 - This is the fourth time Kim has sent a letter to Trump since they met in Singapore in June. It's a rather unusual form of dialogue between the two leaders, one using letters, the other on Twitter. How unusual is this in the world of international diplomacy?

6 - Critics will argue that despite the good will gesture by North Korea, very little has changed substantially. There is still no progress on denuclearization, no timeline or list of weapons, no progress towards a possible agreement to declare the end of the Korean War... but still do North Korea's actions over the weekend at least suggest that there is potential for progress?

7 - As we knew last week, Xi Jinping did not attend the festivities over the weekend. He instead sent his number 3, Li Zhanshu, who also carried with him a letter from the Chinese leader. What do you make of the current Beijing-Pyongyang relationship right now?

8 - The newly appointed U.S. Special Representative on North Korea, Stephen Biegun is in Seoul this week as well as touring other North East Asian countries. It will his first time in Korea in his new position. What do you think we can expect from his visit? Is it just a get-to-know-you visit or do think he has a more specific agenda?

9 - South Korea's delegation that went to Pyeongyang last week, those envoys have now visited Beijing and Tokyo to inform them first hand of the talks that went on in Pyeongyang. Anticipation of the summit between President Moon and Kim is high. Would you agree that right now South Korea is an essential driver that can change the situation on the Korean peninsula, as well as the rest of the North East Asian r